Fashion Photographer:Fashion photography highlights clothing and other fashion products in exciting and memorable ways. Fashion photographers work closely alongside models and fashion designers to come up with images that showcase the fashion as effectively as possible. As a fashion photographer, you can either be employed by a magazine or advertising company, fashion house, or be a freelancer.What fashion photographers do in their day is very much dependant on the client, there may simply be one model with one look that the client wants multiple images from or they could be multiple models, looks and sets that take place within the same day if working for things like a catalogue. Fashion photographers also do not always work in the studio, they may be required to go on location for shoots as well. Fashion photographers also do a lot of preparation work. They should always be scouting for new locations and coming up with new ideas for upcoming shoots. They are also responsible for the set of the shoot itself, meaning that it is their duty to source and provide any extra props that would enhance the shoot and also, they are in charge of the set up of the lighting which all needs to be prepared ahead of time. Fashion photographers are also required to complete any editing of images after the shoot in order to ensure the images look as good as possible before handing them back to the client. Most Fashion photography jobs do not require you to have a degree in photography however this education is often beneficial as you need a good understanding of lighting, composition, and colour. Fashion photographers should be creative and artistic in order to come up with new, unique ideas for each shoot. They should be able to think quickly on their feet and be good at problem solving, especially when working outdoors in case of example the weather changes dramatically, in which case a fashion photographer would be expected to continue the shoot regardless. They should also have good communication and people skills in order to make their models feel comfortable and bring out the best in them for the shoot. They should also have good organisation skills, be able to consistently meet deadlines and be flexible to travel on a moment’s notice. Fashion photographers are also responsible for their own equipment and should have multiple camera and lenses for both studio close ups and location shoots. Freelance fashion photographers should also have their own studio to work from and have their own studio and portable lighting equipment that can be take to locations. To get into fashion photography you need a strong physical portfolio, that is tailored to the job your going for but also includes a few other images to demonstrate your range as a photographer. A website is also key that you can mention in an interview so people can see a large range of your work. Another way to help get into the fashion industry is to contact photo editors and see if you can show them your work. A key point here is to research the editor and company they work for in order to show that you are interested and motivated. Another way to try and get your work out there in the fashion industry is through a photo agency who act as a mini publicist and can often also give career advice. Salary can range anywhere from £20,000 to £45,000 for well-established photographers.
Wedding Photographer:
Wedding photographers most often work on location taking photographs of wedding events on a contractual basis. They are required to be at the wedding from the beginning to the end as often clients like photos of the bride getting ready as well as the groom with his groomsmen right through to the celebrations in the evening. Wedding photography also requires a lot of preparation work as the photographer needs to meet with the clients and this often consists of viewing examples of the photographer’s work, going over pricing, creating a list of desired photos, discussing hours and locations, and signing agreements. On the day itself, wedding photographers must be punctual, attentive and thorough, and there is no chance for a reshoot. Because of this, wedding photographers usually visit the locations prior to the wedding day in order to get inspiration for shots but also to test out any lighting equipment to see how it will look in the venue. Wedding photography also requires the photographer to do a lot of travel as their day may start off at the bride’s house to capture her getting ready with family and friends, then they would need to travel to the church or venue, and even travel again to the reception. After the wedding the photographer is required to complete editing of the images to improve the quality and then get the images the client wants printed and delivered to them whilst simultaneously preparing for the next wedding.
Wedding photography requires no formal education but as always, a degree is beneficial to give you a good understanding of photography to achieve high quality images. Also, an understanding of business is useful as most wedding photographers are freelancers and therefore need to know how to run their own business. Some skills required of a wedding photographer are attention to detail as the images need to be perfect for the client’s big day and there is no opportunity for reshoots. Wedding photographers must also be very organised to ensure they capture all the major moments in a wedding day such as cutting the cake or the first dance, none of which can be missed out. Also, for successful wedding photographers, they will need to be able to manage multiple weddings a week and on top of that continue to edit photos and market their business. They must also be creative to ensure that their portfolio doesn’t consist of lots of different weddings of the couples doing the same poses, each client will want their shoot to be original. This will also help to attract new clients. They also ned to be good at problem solving and be able to deal with any disruptions such as the weather or guests not doing what you want. Physical fitness is another factor involved as wedding photographers are on their feet all day carrying multiple pieces of equipment.
To get into wedding photography you need a strong portfolio which could contain portraits and other shots of people as this is what you will be shooting on weddings and a good way to start is doing your first few weddings for free to get clients to build a portfolio. After this the average salary of a wedding photographer is very varied but on average in the UK couples spend £1480 on their wedding photography.
Food Photographer:
Professional food photographers work alongside food stylists to create images of food for use in advertising, menus, cookbooks and other media. Food photographers may work for companies directly. They may work as part of a team for a food organisation as there is constantly a need for different and new food shots. These food photos will be used for promotional purposes, food packaging, and in ads. There are a variety of needs that food photos must fulfil and therefore it’s important that the food photographer is able to capture the photo perfectly so that the food looks exciting and makes the audience wan to eat it as this is what is going to increase the sales of the product. Food photographers also play a large role in the preparation leading up to the shoot. They may work with a team to source the best materials, ensuring the freshest and most good-looking food items are used. In addition, they are responsible for the set of the shoot and should have the lighting set up in order to highlight the food to make it look as appetising as possible. They are also responsible for creating the setting the shoot takes place in so therefore may work closely alongside the company. This is to ensure they create images that the company are happy with and they can capture exactly what they know the company wants. Food photographers are heavily involved in the process from start to finish in order to ensure that the photographer fully understands the business and its wants so the food can be captured in the best manner.
There is no set educational or training requirement, it is usually required that an individual has a degree in photography as this is beneficial. Though proven experience may very well fulfil that requirement as an alternative. Those who work as food photographers should be able to demonstrate not only a good solid background within photography, but also an appreciation for food. It’s important to have experience within these two components as they will both prove to be quite important to this role and setting up shoots to lot their very best. Working previously as a photographer in other areas may also be beneficial. Some food photographers may come up the ranks by working within the culinary world, as that experience and knowledge may transfer well to this type of role as it shows you know about composition of food and how to present it so it looks exciting and appetising. Food photographers need to have a good attention to detail and be patient. They should be able to dedicate time to each shoot in order to achieve the best results possible. They need to have a good understanding of photography itself, editing and also the food.
A good way to get started in food photography is to look for work experience, try and find an existing food photographer to shadow on a day of work and also to begin a basic food portfolio with food at some such as with fruit and vegetables, practicing different composition techniques and vantage points. A full-time food photographer is expecting to make on average £24,000 a year.
The primary role of the photojournalist is to be a visual storyteller. By photographing, editing, and presenting images, they tell a story in a way that no other media can. Some photojournalists will work for a local newspaper, while others will travel nationally or abroad, sometimes putting themselves in constantly changing or even dangerous situations. The subject matter can vary greatly, from local civic issues, national political races to social unrest in a foreign country. Many photojournalists are freelance photographers and sell their photos to various organisations around the world. The photographs serve the purpose of enhancing the story for the reader or viewer. Photojournalists are required to firstly do background research on the subject, location, or affair they are shooting. They are then required to travel to the location of the shoot and document what is going on. However, they are also often required to capture video footage so knowledge of videography is useful. Thy are then expected to edit the images and add headlines and captions before pitching photographs and ideas to editorial staff to see if they are interested in the work. Photojournalists can either be freelance where they go out on shoots then sell their images to a newspaper or other company, if this is the case a section of their time is also taken up with admin and processing payments and other admin required for a business. Photojournalists however can sometimes be employed by a company and work for them. In this case they are sometimes expected to explore relevant story concepts alongside writers, reporters and editors. It is also their duty to operate and maintain assigned equipment that may be given to them by the company, they are also responsible for ordering new supplies that are essential for a shoot.
Most photojournalists have a degree in photojournalism, with another form of education in journalism or a related subject. Photojournalism courses not only focus on picture taking, but also on the use of photoshop, journalism ethics and law, as well as training in a variety of media. A journalism degree coupled with a photography education is also a popular route into photojournalism. It’s essential that photojournalists have the ability to work across all platforms, including broadcast, print, online, and social media. Photojournalists need to be prepared to be working long hours, often with being on call and must be flexible enough to travel as soon as news breaks. They must also be able to meet tight deadlines and manage multiple projects independently.
To get into photojournalism you need the proper education alongside a strong portfolio. Concentrate on photographing people and get into the habit of captioning the images and publish your images wherever possible. The key is to start small and build up, possibly starting with work experience for a local newspaper. Salaries in the UK for photojournalists can start at £20,000 and go anywhere up to £60,000 for experienced photographers.
Portrait Photographer:
Portrait photographers utilise creative and technical skills to conceptualise, stage, capture and edit photographs of individuals or groups of people. Portrait photographers must have a specialised skill set and adequate equipment to perform this job correctly, so formal education or on-the-job training is necessary. Portrait photographers often work on a freelance basis from their own studio but can also be employed by companies. They can complete a variety of work from actors’ headshots to family portraits. The working day of a portrait photographer will vary from day to day. On shoot days, the photographer will have to set up the appropriate backdrop or travel to the location depending on where the shoot is taking place and they will then have to set up all the lighting for the shoot which should all be completed before the client arrives. During the shoot they should try to make the client as relaxed as possible in order to bring out the best in them and make them feel comfortable in front of the camera. On days without shoots images need retouching and editing so that they can be presented to the client and any image orders can be made. Other admin such as booking clients into the diary also takes place in between shoots.
Portrait photographers are expected to have certain technical skills and expertise, and these qualifications can sometimes be achieved through on-the-job training instead of through formal education. Some large portrait studio companies offer full training as part of their hiring process. Having a formal education in photography is also beneficial to any photographer wanting to be a professional and this would be especially useful if someone was wanted to be a freelance photography, as they won’t receive any other training. Portrait photographers need to have a good understanding of photography in order to set up lighting and backdrops to compliment the subject as much as possible. They also need to have good people and communication skills as portrait photographers deal with a range of people from school children, to families, to actors. They need to be able to make anyone feel at ease regardless of their age or the purpose of the shoot. They also ned to be able to think on their feet to come up with poses and ideas for the client whist the shoot is taking place to keep generating new images. Whilst being friendly and making people feel at ease, portrait photographers also need to be stern, and be able to direct models effectively in order to achieve professional, high quality looking images as often people such as children may be intimidated being put in front of a camera.
To get into portrait photography you need a strong portfolio of portrait images from both studio and location that demonstrate creativity and skill. It is also important to have the correct high-quality kit such as a 50mm lens in order to achieve high quality photos. A good way to begin in portrait photography is to do your first couple of shoots for free in order to build up a strong portfolio of images for clients. The Average salary for a UK portrait photographer ranges from anywhere between £20,000 to £45,000.
Sport Photographer:
Sports photographers take fast action photos at outdoor and indoor sporting events. They aim to capture the moment and tell a story through their photos which often present many emotions. Sports photographers can work as freelancers, taking pictures at sporting events and selling action shots to magazines, newspapers and sports enthusiasts. Some sports photographers work for sporting teams and organisations and take pictures that are mass-produced into commercial products. Sports photographers who also work as journalists, known as photojournalists, write articles to complement their pictures. A job as a sport photographer can often result in long shoot days as you need to travel to the location early to set up your equipment prior to the event starting. Shooting will usually take place over a number of hours as for example with events like a race, it is the end shots of the winner that will usually be what clients are after. After a shoot, the images will need to be edited and retouched before presenting them to newspaper companies to sell. This all takes place whilst simultaneously planning for the next event. It’s important that a sports photographer show an interest in the sports that they work to cover. They must keep themselves educated on current trends, players, and understand how the game works. Fine tuning this knowledge is a big part of the job as they must be ready for the action shots as they occur. Working on relationship building can be another important part of the job. Having the ability to get photos of the players and to get a good spot for the photos to be taken can come out of building relationships.
There is no one set educational requirement to become a sports photographer. It’s important that an individual in this role have a strong background and be able to demonstrate experience within photography directly which can often be gathered through a formal education in photography. A sports photographer who works for a company or organisation may receive training on the job in terms of how to get the best shots in specific environments, or on the sport itself. They may receive training on new tools or equipment, or they may attend conferences or seminars in their field. To get started, it may be helpful to have a degree within photography, but most organization or teams will want to see a portfolio of work more than anything else. Sport photographers who are freelance need to have high quality lenses and equipment as this will not be provided for them and all sports photographers must have patience and be willing to wait to get a good shot. A knowledge of the sport that is being shot is also useful as it may help the photographer understand where is the best place to be positions to get a good angle of the sport.
This can be a rather competitive field as there are many full-time sport photographers out working for the large businesses. However, having a portfolio to demonstrate experience and good photography work can be an excellent way to get a job and get clients interested in buying your photos. Local sports games also provide good practice for photographers wishing to build a sport portfolio. Average salary for a sport photographer is roughly £26,000 a year.