As part of my personal development plan I wanted to learn more about ow to use my camera as there were still buttons on it that I didn't know what they meant.
AE-L stands for auto exposure lock meaning that it locks the exposure of the image. When you move your camera around it constantly is working to to try and get the best exposure for the scene it is pointing at, using the AE-L button means you can lock the exposure and then continue to move the camera without it adjusting the exposure. The AF-L does a similar thing to this however it stands for Auto focus lock. This means you can lock the focus by pointing the camera and focusing on the subject and by pressing the AF-L button, it allows you to move the camera whilst still keeping the subject in focus. This is useful for when you want to create scenes with the background in focus as often the camera will try and focus on the closest subject but by using the AF-L you can overcome this.

Flash Compensation
Figuring out what this button on my camera meant has really helped me to develop my photography. I have never really used the pop up flash on my camera as on the occasions I have it has always made scenes too bright and overpowered them with light. However, the flash compensation button allows you to control the flash output. It is found on the display screen and also gives you a preview at what the brightness of the flash will come out like.
