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HNC Portrait Day Prep


Updated: Jan 25, 2019

For the HNC Portrait day Norbert will be photographing me.

Originally for the shoot I wanted it on location in a natural environment to represent how I enjoy landscape photography but also just being outdoors in general. However, when discussing this with Norbert we came to the conclusion it would be difficult to find a professional looking environment nearby in Liverpool and it would also be dependant on the weather.

We then discussed about using the studio as a plan B in case of bad weather. I said that in the studio, I wanted soft lighting as I wanted to create a natural look as I think that represents who I am as a person. I also want a white background for my portrait as I think it creates a natural and elegant mood which is what I want from my portrait.

After discussing a studio option I decided that I this is what I want my portrait to be as I think we can use the lighting and colour to show who I am as a person and photographer and we have full control over this. I also think it will be beneficial as even though i enjoy landscape photography, I don't want my portrait to suggest that that is the only form of photography I do so I think by having a simple, professional looking portrait in the studio, It will help show I am capable of more than just landscape photography.

These are example of the type of Portrait I want, I like the softness of the light as I think it creates a really natural image which is the effect I want.

The person I will be photographing on portrait day is Megan.

When talking to Megan she told me that she didn't want something too serious as she's not a serious person and is quite laid back. She also gave me ideas for both a studio and location portrait.

For the location portrait, she said she really likes camera portraits where the camera is in front of the face as she finds them really interesting but didn't have a specific location in mind for the shoot.

For the studio portrait, she explained that she wanted hard lighting and techniques such as split but she is specific about the side of the face she wants she shadow on. Background was't something she was overly picky about and said she just wanted either black or white as she wanted the overall portrait to be in black and white.



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