Since I have had no formal photography education in the past, my aim for unit 1 is to just develop my photography skills as much as possible. I want to fully understand how to use my camera and how I can make my photography better through camera techniques and creativity. I also want to learn more about photography careers as whilst i know i want to be a photographer, I don't know what type. I want to research and learn about different careers within the industry and my aim for the end of this unit is to have more of an idea about what type of photography I want to do as a career so that I can start to complete work experience as this will show me what working in that industry is like.
I am exciting for this unit and I think I will enjoy working though it as it gives me the opportunity to look at where I'm at as a photographer, and where i need to improve in order to be ready for industry. I also am the type of person who likes to know what they're working towards, and ultimately, that's my career. I want to try and learn as much as possible about the different sector's in photography so that i can start to decide what I want to do as a career as I think this will push me and motivate me to get the best images i can throughout this course as i want to be ready for industry and have a strong portfolio that relates in some way to the career I want to go into.
In the first week of this assignment I completed an 'About me' presentation which can be seen below and I presented this to my peers.

I am not the most confident person when it comes to public speaking and I know from having done numerous presentations in the past that I often rely on just reading the information off the power point. So in order to overcome this in my 'About me' presentation I tried where possible to have no words at all on the slides. which consequently meant i was forced to just explain the choice of images on the slides which i think made the presentation more interesting for the viewers as it meant they were being given information visually (in the form of images on the slides) and verbally (what i was saying). However, I think to improve my presentation if I were to do it again I would slow down and give more of an explanation for the images as i know for some of them I only said a sentence. But i know this is due to nerves as when I was in front of the class speaking, I wanted to be there for as little time as possible which caused me to flick through the slides quite quickly.
My presentation skills are something i want to improve and feel it is important that i do as being able to speak confidently in front of a room is a transferable skill that is used in numerous jobs and even helps a lot with interviews. In future I know I need to just relax before beginning to speak in front of people and remember to just take my time when presenting as it will also help the audience take in more information if I am going through it more slowly.