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Portrait Practice in the studio (PDP)


As part of my personal development plan I wanted to get better at taking portraits and using lighting techniques to enhance my shots. This is because until I started the course, I had never been in a studio before and for my first few shoots in there studio I found it daunting knowing what to do with the lights and what modifiers to use.

However since then I have learned a lot about lighting due to a different assignment I have been doing but also want to make sure I am practising the techniques on my own in order to get better at them and ensure I can set the lights up myself

I also like using my studio time to practice experimenting with the lights and seeing what effects different modifiers, heights and positions give my images. in my studio session for my personal development plan, I enjoyed experimenting with using softer light and the effects this created and I liked how the images turned out.

Below are a few of my favourites that I have edited from the shoot.

I think when comparing these to portraits I had taken 8 weeks ago I have improved massively as I am starting to get more confident using the lights and therefore am experimenting more with different angles and brightness or lights and also poses for models. This is a skill I want to continue to develop so that I an take a wide range of creative portraits.



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