How I have began to work on my first goal: Understanding RAW files:
Firstly I have done some reading online about the difference between RAW and jpeg files and found that RAW files are larger because they hold more image information.
I then watched some youtube videos that showed what this means and they showed how with RAW files you can recover a lot more of the photo by editing.
For example if there is a dark area in a photo, with a RAW file you can recover some of what was there by brightening it, as the camera has recorded the information as to what is there so you get more detail in the photo. Whereas with a jpeg it would just make the area lighter in colour, as it is a smaller form of file so there is not as much information.
What further tasks I have done - 9th Decmeber 2018:
To complete my goal I looked at the advantages and disadvantages of shooting in raw and these are listed below:
*Produce more detailed images as the camera records more information
*You can correct lens imperfections with RAW files
*You can recover more in editing, for example if there is an under exposed area you can bring back the detail.
*File sizes are very large
*Not a standard format for RAW files, companies often have their own format which can cause problems if you are changing cameras as they may have different RAW file formats.
*Can't print raw files, they need to be converted to a different format such as jpeg.
I have also looked into how I can change my camera setting in order to shoot in RAW. This consisted of reading articles online about how to change the settings from jpeg to RAW files. This is done by pressing the info button, going to image quality, and then selecting RAW by pressing ok. Shooting in RAW will be beneficial for me as it will make my images look more high quality simply by allowing the camera to record more information.

Here is a visual example of the difference between RAW and jpeg images. The jpeg is on the left and the RAW file on the right. As you can see the RAW image has a lot more colour to it and this is due to the camera recording more information about the scene, it is also a lot clearer. For example when you look at the tree on the right hand side, on the jpeg file its quite blurred whereas with the RAW file it is more in focus.
Goal achieved - 14th December 2018:
I now fully understand RAW files and why they are used, they record more information about an image so that more can be recovered in Photoshop or light room, making editing more effective. However, because they record more information, they take up a lot more storage on your memory card which is why jpeg's are usually more popular.